Monte Nido Celebrates Twenty-Five Years as National Leader in Comprehensive Eating Disorder Treatment
MIAMI, March 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Monte Nido, a leading national provider of eating disorder treatment services, announced today their celebration of 25 years in business. Monte Nido was originally founded in 1996 in Malibu, CA. Reflecting on the rich history of the company, Monte Nido began as a small individual-owned business which subsequently integrated acquisitions and de novo growth to form one of the largest eating disorder treatment programs in the country. The anniversary comes as the company continues to expand its nationwide footprint, allowing Monte Nido to serve thousands of clients working toward full recovery from their eating disorder.
One of the primary reasons eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental health illness is a widespread lack of recognition, diagnosis, and treatment for those suffering. Monte Nido offers comprehensive, therapeutic eating disorder services and a differentiated approach to caring for adults and adolescents of all genders with eating disorders, while placing an emphasis on believing in full recovery and the ability to achieve it. Individualized, evidence-based programming is designed for all clients pursuing recovery in a residential setting, partial hospitalization and/or intensive outpatient care.
"All of the changes over the last 25 years came with great efforts, resulting in Monte Nido & Affiliates being recognized as one of the largest and premiere eating disorder companies in the industry," said Candy Henderson, MS, Chief Executive Officer of Monte Nido & Affiliates. "The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of every individual. Coming together was the beginning; keeping together is progress and working together is success."
The staff has provided growth and effectiveness over the years as the culture around eating disorders, appropriate treatment methods, and affected demographics has evolved. All Monte Nido & Affiliates facilities have experts on staff trained in treating a range of co-occurring disorders as well, so individuals with co-occurring trauma, substance use and other conditions can be confident in the care they receive. Senior leadership continues to push the industry forward through research, advocacy and education initiatives at the industry level. Chief Medical Officer Joel Jahraus, MD, FAED, CEDS recently began a two-year term as President of the Board of Directors of iaedp™, the industry's leading professional association and Monte Nido & Affiliates' clinical and peer-reviewed research studies, overseen by Molly Perlman, MD, National Medical Director, are regularly published.
For more information, or to inquire about services nationwide, please contact: 888-228-1253, or visit
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